Projects / Skills / Conservation and reuse / Brighton College Music Hall < >

Brighton College Music Hall

Located at the very heart of the college campus, the Music School building boasts a dramatic double-height recital hall with a seating capacity of 150.


It provides a much needed space for rehearsal and performance, a series of music practice and teaching rooms, a seminar room with space for 24 pupils, a music library, a recording control room with facilities that will enable the college to offer Music Technology at A level, a percussion and rock room and associated administrative, technical and storage spaces.

Momentum have worked closely with designers Eric Parry Architects to create a light floating roof structure with minimal structure supporting an untied, pitched roof.

The building was also awarded the Sussex Heritage Trust Public and Community Award 2016 and also received a Civic Trust Award 2017.

Since 2020, Momentum has been part of another design team working on a mixed-use education building to house the College's performing arts activities with a 400 seat theatre and new sixth form spaces.

. Brighton College

Architect . Eric Parry Architects