Projects / Sectors / Sports and leisure / Timber Pods < >
Miller Kendrick Studio

Arthur’s Cave
A boutique pop-up hotel for Epic Retreats, themed on the mythology, tradition and beauty of Wales that was featured on a Channel 4 documentary called 'Cabins in the Wild'

Allies and Morrison

CAA Pavilion
Momentum were asked to develop the pavilion design into a simple, engineered solution. 

The pavilion was to show off Contemporary Applied Art, be low cost, self-build, demountable and easy to erect and provide space for outdoor dining in a central London courtyard. 

Haworth Tompkins

Here East Gantry
A number of projects to provide unique office and meeting spaces within the former Press Centre on the Olympic Park including WikiHouse office business units.

Jebb Beresford

Jebb's Pod
A private home centred on a large ellipsoidal room. The structure of this unique house is formed by a CNC cut plywood shell assembled on site from pre- fabricated sections. 

Nomadic Resorts

Nomadic Resorts
Momentum assisted with the design of several luxury hotels pods for Nomadic Resorts in Mauritius, based on the shape of a sea urchin.

Boano Prismontas

Momentum worked with Boano Prismontas to create the Quiubox; a modular structure constructed out of CNC-machined plywood panels designed for communities living in the coastal areas surrounding Cartagena, Colombia.