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Jerwood Gallery

Commissioned to house the 20th-century British art collection and to act as a catalyst in the town’s economic and cultural regeneration, Jerwood Gallery is an innovative building with a strong emphasis on sustainability. 


The building is constructed with a heavyweight lower level formed from masonry-and-timber-composite walls supporting a first floor of precast planks. The upper floor consists of stud walls supporting an engineered timber I-joist roof structure.


Bespoke stair flights and balustrade panels are cast together in fair-faced concrete and turn through 270 degrees without intermediate vertical support. 


External cladding is from profiled zinc sheeting and hand-glazed clay tiles to reflect the changing light of the sea. 


Jerwood Gallery was winner of an RIBA National Award 2013 and a Civic Trust Award 2013.


Client . Jerwood Foundation

Architect . HAT Projects