MK Gallery

MK Gallery is a leading contemporary art gallery that commissions and showcases work from UK and international artists and operates a highly successful education and events programme.

We worked with 6a Architects on the refurbishment and extension of the gallery to enable it to continue with its increasingly ambitious and diverse cultural programme. 

The new building includes additional gallery spaces, a café, education facilities and a multi-purpose auditorium suitable for for performances, talks and film screenings.


Momentum worked closely with 6a and the design team to  develop refined structural designs that enhance the architectural aesthetic, whilst being buildable and cost effective.


Some of the challenges included suspending the auditorium over large gallery spaces, helical stair design and sympathetic alterations to the existing structure.


We were also involved with the MK City Club development to enhance the surrounding public realm with landscaping and sculptures.


MK Gallery received a RIBA South Award 2021, a RIBA Project Architect of the Year Award 2021, and was Highly Commended at the Civic Trust Awards 2020 for the South East region.


Client . MK Gallery 

Architect . 6a Architects

All images © Johan Dehlin